
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7

Support Tamar Korat

Tamar Korat is a non-profit organisation which is funded by donations from church communities and individuals. Your support is very welcome and will allow us to continue the important work amongst those abused and at risk in the Isaan region. You can support Tamar Korat through prayer and also financially. We welcome support in general (monthly or only once), but you can also choose what kind of work we do you specifically want to support. If this is the case, please specificy that in your gift so we can make sure we can honour your gift.

Bank details


Account number: 595-073634-7
Account name : Project L.I.F.E. Foundation-TAMAR CENTER KORAT
Swift code : BKKBPHBK

Specific needs

Yamo Party

Three to four times a year we organise a party for the ladies in Yamo park who work there as prostitutes. We provide for them some fun activities, so they can relax and forget the worries of their lives for a little while. We also give them some gifts and provide a meal for them.


Every year we organise a children’s camp for the children that are part of the sponsorship prgoramm as well as other kids of the Non Daeng district. We encourage them and have a lot of fun activities!

Children sponsorship program

We have children in our district that we support to be able to have the school equipment they need. We also organise programs for them on Saturday and give English classes on Sunday after church.

* At this point, we receive enough support for the kids in our program. Thanks!


Some of our church members have the desire to do a DTS in Thailand, but they do not have the funds. You can make it possible for them to do a DTS and in this way grow in their faith.

Staff training

During the year we encourage our staff to go to trainings, such as the Harvest Multiplication Training in Bangkok. We would like to enable our staff to go to such trainings and develop them into better leaders.

Staff retreat

We like to take our staff once a year to a retreat. This is for us as a team to spend qualitiy time together as well as to get some rest from our ministry.